

I am offering new services because I’ve had the most enlightening years of my life recently and I must share this newfound knowledge with you.

Reiki Healing

Many of us feel pain on a regular basis. Reiki has the ability to transform energy and open new energetic pathways in the body and spirit. Are you ready to release the pain your body has been holding so that you can live more freely?

Guided Meditations

Listening to relaxing music and guided meditations opens the minds possibilities and improves mental health. What we put in we get back. Treat yourself kindly with words, sounds, and vibrations that will elevate you. Recordings in progress…

Creative Consultations

Creating is one one thing that we are all experts at whether we are aware of it or not. I will help you become aware of your creative potential. DM me so we can chat about your next steps manifesting intentionally.

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